KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 14 — The Health Ministry said its own monitoring of honey products in the market since 2016 found only nearly 6 per cent of them did not measure up to its...
Amid claim that nine in 10 honey products are fake, Health Ministry says its monitoring shows only 6pc not up to standard
Following claims that nine in 10 honey sold in Malaysia are fake or artificial, the Health Ministry said actions have been taken against the products which did not fulfil its criteria and its manufacturers. — Picture by Shafwan ZaidonKUALA LUMPUR, Feb 14 — The Health Ministry said its own monitoring of honey products in the market since 2016 found only nearly 6 per cent of them did not measure up to its standards.
“A person who is found to be in violation of this provision and upon conviction may be fined not exceeding RM20,000 or imprisoned for a period not exceeding five years or both,” it added. “The Health Ministry also offers an Authentic Food Certification Scheme which aims to recognise food products that are certified authentic or genuine and meet the criteria set in this Certification Scheme.